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Lab Courses PHY1030

Documents for Physics Lab Courses for Medical Students (PHY1030)

The instruction manual for the lab courses for medical students is split into two parts. The workbook (Arbeitsheft) contains the instructions for all the experiments and the theory book (Theorieheft) encompasses the respective basic physics.

The electronic versions of the german documents below comprise both parts, they are only meant for teaching assistants and may not be given to students. The students have to buy a printed version of the workbook at the start of the term and must have it with them during the courses. They can download the theory book from the Praktikum website.

German manuals (Full workbook 2023 (PDF, 4 MB))

Fall term:


Strömungsmechanik / Blutkreislauf (BK) (PDF, 1 MB)


Mechanik / Biomechanik (Me) (New) (PDF, 1 MB)


Elektrische Leitung und Potentiale / Ionenleitung und EKG (EL) (PDF, 1 MB)


Ultraschall / Sonographie (US) (New) (PDF, 2 MB)


Röntgenstrahlung / Röntgendiagnostik und Dosimetrie (RD) (PDF, 1 MB)


English manuals (only workbook part)

Fall term:


Fluid Dynamics / Blood Circuit (BK) (PDF, 1 MB)


Mechanics / Biomechanics (Me) (PDF, 1 MB) (new version)


Electric Conduction and Potentials / Ionic Conduction and ECG (EL) (PDF, 967 KB)


X-Radiation / Diagnostic Radiology and Dosimetry (RD) (PDF, 602 KB)


Ultrasound / Sonography (US)  (PDF, 2 MB)(new version)