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Wednesday 11:15
UZH Campus Irchel: Y36-K-08
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Date | Speaker | Title | Host |
23-09-2020 |
Veronika Szalai | Instrumentation and Measurement Development for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy of Bionanomaterials | Fabian Natterer |
30-09-2020 | Johannes Schwenk | Kelvin Probe Microscopy on graphene quantum hall states (DOCX, 13 KB) | Fabian Natterer |
14-10-2020 |
Oleg Yazyev |
Stepan Tsirkin | |
21-10-2020 |
Michele Filippone | Many-body localization in an array of superconducting qubits and the nucleation of ergodicity | Titus Neupert |
4-11-2020 |
Peter Amman | Zbynek Novotny | |
18-11-2020 | Daniel Gabriel Mazzone
Localized-to-itinerant transitions in strongly correlated electron systems (DOCX, 8 KB) |
Johan Chang |
25-11-2020 |
Huaiqiang Wang | Axion physics in condensed matter systems | Titus Neupert |
2-12-2020 | Tomas Bzdusek | Homotopic insights into topological band theory | Titus Neupert |
9-12-2020 | Gabriele de Luca | Ferromagnetism in ultrathin double perovskite La2NiMnO6 thin films | Marta Gibert |
Yang Xu | Transport study on quantum phases of matter | Johan Chang |
Name | Office | Telephone | |
Anastasiia Skurativska | Y36 J 94 | +41 44 635 49 41 | |