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ERC grant: TOPUP - Theory of Particle Collider Processes at Ultimate Precision

Professor Thomas Gehrmann receives an ERC Advanced Grant to develop new methods for precision calculations in particle physics.

Thomas Gehrmann
In the coming years, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will multiply its data set by a factor of 20, enabling precision measurements of a large number of elementary particle reactions. In order to interpret these precision data and use them to determine fundamental constants of nature, the theoretical description of these measured quantities must achieve a correspondingly high level of accuracy.
Supported by the ERC Advanced Grant "TOPUP - Theory of Particle Collider Processes at Ultimate Precision", Thomas Gehrmann, together with a team of four postdocs and two PhD students, will develop new analytical, algebraic and numerical methods for precision calculations in particle physics and apply them to specific particle reactions.


Group of Thomas Gehrmann

