

Since the school will take place online, we can not provide paticipants with laptops for the exercise classes as we usually do. So you will have to use your own systems. However, the support we can provide in case of problems during the school will be limited. We therefore ask you to setup your system in time and check if things seem to be running.

VirtualBox Appliance

Probably the easiest option to setup a school system is to use the VirtualBox image provided below. To run the image, you will need to install the VirtualBox hypervisor. There is a version for Linux, Macintosh, Solaris and Windows.

Install Instructions

After installing VirtualBox you can download the Python-school appliance. (3.1 GB file!)

In VirtualBox there is a wizard to import existing appliances:
File -> Import Appliance.

Depending on your host computer you probably want to change some settings like RAM, number of cores, etc. Do this before you start the VM.

Once the VM is running, you can login with user student and password student. User student has sudo-rights so you might install new packages if necessary. In addititon, you might want to change the keyboard-layout. For Swiss/US you can use the flag-icon at the bottom right of the screen, otherwise use the System Settings.

Please note that this image is intended for the school only. We did not test it extensively and cannot guarantee that it will work reliable for productive work. Use it at your own risk!

Using your laptop directly

If you do not want to use VirtualBox, you are free to install all packages you need directly on your system: