Katharina Müller
Managing Director
Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich
office |
Y36-J-05 |
phone: |
+41-44-63-55772 |
e-mail: |
kmueller@physik.NOSPAM.uzh.ch |


I am a member of the H1 and the LHCb collaboration, my research interest are measurements with electroweak bosons or prompt photons as well as central exclusive production and diffraction. All these processes probe the structure of the proton and can be used to determine the parton density functions.
From January 2013 until March 2015 I was convener of the LHCb working group "QCD, electroweak and exotic physics" and October 2017 - 2019 I was the chair of the LHCb Speakers' Bureau (member March 2016 - October 2019).
Science Lab UZH
I offer the following courses for school classes (Contact):
Ich biete folgende Kurse für Schulklassen an (Kontakt):
- Science & Nature Day 2024: workshop | talk | guided tour -
- 11. Oktober 2023: Das Rätsel der Antimaterie (Open your Eyes)
- Scientifica 2023 - Was die Welt zusammenhält
- 3. September 2022, Lange Nacht der Museen: Vortrag Teilchenphysik am CERN
- 22. Juni 2022, Bibliothek Uster: Vortrag Teilchenphysik am CERN
- 24. Mai 2022, Faszination Astronomie Online: Vortrag Teilchenphysik am CERCERN Forschende auf der Spur einer neuen Kraft?
- 2. März 2022, Paulus Akademie: Die Architektur der Wirklichkeit
- Science & Nature Day 2022: workshop
- Scientifica 2021 - Natürlich - Künstlich, 3.-5. September
- Scientifica 2019 - Science fiction, science facts, 31. August -2. September 2019
- Scientifica 2017 - was Daten verraten, 1.-3. Sept. 2017
- Studieninformationstage, Anfang September
- Science Info Day, 2ter Samstag im März, Studieninformationsanlass der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
- Highlights from the LHCb experiment
PHENO Symposium, Pittsburgh, US, 05- 08 May 2020.
- Highlights from the LHCb experiment
(EPS-HEP) 2019, Ghent, Belgium, 10 - 17 Jul 2019.
- Tests of Lepton Flavor Universality at LHCb
Kruger2018, Hazyview, South Africa, 3 - 7 Dec 2018.
- QCD results at LHC13th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth, Ireland, 31 Jul - 6 Aug 2018.
- Production measurements at LHCb
Low-x meeting, Bari, Italy, 13. - 17. June 2017.
- Central exclusive production at LHCb
Low-x meeting, Bari, Italy 13. - 17. June 2017.
- Heavy Flavour and Quarkonia Production at LHCb
Kruger2016, Mpumulanga, South Africa, 4.-9. Dec. 2016.
- Impact of LHC measurements on parton density functions
QCD@LHC, Zurich, Switzerland, 22-26 Aug 2016.
Impact of LHC measurements on parton density functions
LHCP 2016, Lund Sweden, 13.-18. June 2016.
- QCD at colliders, Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and related subjects
Hamburg, Germany, April 11\,-\,15, 2016.
- LHCb results in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC
STARS 2015, Havanna, Cuba, 10.-16. May 2015
- LHCb results in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC
Kruger 2014, Skukuza, South Africa, 1.-5. December 2014.
- Central exclusive quarkonia production in the forward region at LHCb
Kruger 2014, Skukuza, South Africa, 1.-5. December 2014.
- Measurements with electroweak bosons at LHCb
PANIC, Hamburg, Germany, 24.-29. August 2014.
- LHCb results in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC
PANIC, Hamburg, Germany, 24.-29. August 2014.
- Electroweak and central exclusive measurements in the forward region at LHCb
Seminar, Heidelberg, Germany, July 8, 2014.
- QCD and electroweak measurements
Rencontres de Blois, 18. May 2014.
- Results and prospects on central exclusive production at LHCb
Low x workshop, Eilat 30. May 2013.
- Measurements with electroweak bosons in the forward region at the LHC
DESY seminar, Hamburg & Zeuthen 27. and 28. November 2012.
- Measurements with electroweak bosons at LHC
QCD@LHC, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 20. August 2012.
- Electroweak results at LHCb
CERN seminar, Geneva, 05. June 2012.
- Electroweak results at LHCb
Standard Model @ LHC, Copenhagen, 10. April 2012.
- W and Z production in forward region at LHCb
Epiphany, Krakow, 10. January 2011.
PhD Theses
- Drell-Yan production at the LHCb experiment
Andreas Weiden, 2020
- Tracking and Particle Identification at LHCb and Strange
Hadron Production in Events with a Z Boson
Marco Tresch, 2017
- Z Bosons in LHCb
Albert Bursche, 2014
- Low mass Drell-Yan Cross Section Measurements with the LHCb Experiment
Nicola Chiapolini, 2014
- The Rare Decays B(s)0 → μ+μ- and Z Boson Production at LHCb and Radiation Damage in its Silicon Tracker
Christian Elsasser, 2014
- Prompt Photon Production in Photoproduction at HERA
Krzysztof Nowak, 2009
- Isolated Photon Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Carsten Schmitz, 2007
- Search for Excited Quarks with the H1 Detector at HERA
Jan Becker, 2005
- Measurement of the Charged Current Cross Section in Positron-Proton Collisions at HERA
Nicole Werner, 2004
- A Measurement of the QED Compton Cross Section in Electron-Proton Scattering with the H1 Experiment at HERA
Nicola Keller, 2003
Master, Bachelor and Diploma Theses
- Measurement of Open Charm and Double Open Charm Production Cross Sections and Ratios in pp Collisions at √s = 2.76 TeV with the LHCb Experiment
Enzio Crivelli, Master, 2016
- Measurement of σ(pp→ bbX) at 8 TeV in the forward region of the LHCb experiment
Dario Biasini, Master, 2015
- Measurement of W production cross section in proton-lead collisons
Chris Marentini, Bachelor, 2014
- Measurement of the Zγ production cross section at √s= 8 TeV at the LHCb experiment
Moritz Küng, Master, 2014
- Isolated Photon Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Arno Gadola, 2007
- Optimierung eines z-Vertex Triggers füur den H1 Detektor bei HERA
Andreas Schweizer, Diploma, 1999
Ratio of W+ to W- cross section in bins of lepton pseudorapidity. Measurements, represented as bands, are compared to (markers, displaced horizontally for presentation) NNLO predictions with different parameterisations of the PDFs (JHEP 01 (2016) 155). |
Blois 2014 | |
 Cuba 2015 |
Cuba 2015 |
South Africa 2014, 2016 |
Bari, Italy 2017 |
Page maintained by Katharina Müller, last modified on April 09, 2024 |