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Monday 14:00
UZH Irchel Y16 G05
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16 September | Dr. Sebastiano Calchi Novati (Caltech / IPAC) |
Exoplanets and Space-based Microlensing: the Spitzer
Microlensing plays a key role in exoplanet astrophysics as it can access parts in key parameter spaces that no other method can explore: wide orbit and low mass planets, planets in both the Galactic bulge and disk, free |
Prof. Philippe Jetzer |
TUE 17 September 11:15am Y11 J05 |
Dr. Tina Pollmann (TUM) |
Special Seminar:
The DEAP-3600 experiment is searching for WIMP dark matter with a 3.3 tonne single-phase liquid argon (LAr) target. Detector construction was completed at SNOLAB in 2016, and the experiment is currently taking physics data. Results from 1 year of open data (758 tonne-day exposure) were recently published, demonstrating stable detector operation and the power of pulse shape discrimination to reject electron-recoil backgrounds in LAr. This background-free search currently provides the most sensitive WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section limit on a LAr target for WIMP masses above 30 GeV. This talk will focus on the design and calibration of the DEAP-3600 detector, and on the physics results from the 1 year open dataset. It will also cover current plans for the future of liquid argon dark matter detectors and the complementarity with detectors using xenon targets. |
Prof. Dr. Laura Baudis | |
23 September | ||||
30 September | ||||
07 October |
Dr. April Cridland |
Testing Fundamental Symmetries with Anti-Hydrogen The ALPHA (Antihydrogen Laser PHysics Apparatus) Collaboration at CERN is engaged in measurements of the anti-hydrogen spectrum with a view to understanding the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. ALPHA uses the techniques of modern atomic physics to probe fundamental physics with the goal of conducting precise tests of CPT symmetry. In 2018, ALPHA published the most precise measurement of a transition in antihydrogen with the characterization of the 1S-2S lineshape which was CPT invariant to a relative precision of 10-12. During this talk, I will present how this monumental 1S-2S measurement was achieved and highlight some of the most recent milestones in ALPHA. In addition, ALPHA also intends to study anti-hydrogen’s gravitational interaction with the Earth using a brand-new experiment, ALPHA-g. It is expected that ALPHA-g will be able to first determine the sign of the interaction and then go on to measure its magnitude to 1% precision. I will present our progress in commissioning the new experiment and outline ALPHA’s ambitious plans for the future of anti-hydrogen studies. |
Dr. Abhijit Mathad | |
14 October |
Loukas Gouskos (CERN) |
Search for Higgs boson decaying to charm quarks with CMS The discovery of a Higgs boson with properties compatible with the expectations from the Standard Model (SM) opened a whole new chapter of exploration. One of the highest priorities of the LHC physics program is the detailed measurement of the couplings of the Higgs boson to other SM particles. In this seminar, I will present the first direct search by the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment |
Dr. Stefanos Leontsinis | |
21 October 14:00 Y16 G 05 |
Arne Reimers, Hamburg | Anomaly-inspired searches for heavy particles coupled to top quarks | Prof. Dr. Ben Kilminster | |
21 October 16:15 Y16 G15 |
Prof. David Stevenson |
Schrödinger Colloquium (Jupiter's Interior as Revealed by Juno) | Prof. Dr. Ravit Helled | |
28 October |
04 November | Dr. Andrew Taylor (DESY) |
Gamma-Ray Bursts, Neutron Star Merger Remnants and Extragalactic Cosmic Rays Even on simple energetic grounds, very few candidate sources for extragalactic cosmic rays can be found. Further factoring in additional orthogonal information provided by the synchrotron emission from candidate sources, can provide additional discrimination between candidates. Until recently such an approach has only been applied to different AGN class sources. Taking advantage of recent observational results, however, new light is shed on the potential of GRB as UHECR sources. Focusing specifically on the short gamma-ray burst GRB 170817 and the related kilonovae emission, a case is put forward for their potential as extragalactic cosmic ray sources. The challenges faced by the source environment and its ability to safely accelerate nuclei up to the ultra high energy scale are discussed. |
Dr. Alison Mitchell |
11 November |
18 November | Dr. Olena Karacheban (CERN) |
Luminosity measurement at LHC. Summary of experience from Run-2 and prospects for Run-3 and HL-LHC. The luminosity is a key ingredient to many physics measurements obtained at accelerator-based particle physics experiments as it links the cross sections of physics processes with the rate of interactions observed in a collider. The luminosity systematics propagate directly to the ultimate precision of physics results, where it is expected to constitute the single largest error in some cases, owing to recent theoretical progress and the increased statistics expected from HL-LHC and other future accelerator facilities. The luminosity calibration for LHC experiments is derived from dedicated beam separation scans, known as van der Meer scans. This luminosity calibration obtained with specials beam optics at low pileup must be transferred to physics data-taking conditions, with more bunches and significantly higher instantaneous luminosity. Hence, additional measurements of the stability and linearity of the luminometers are required. A novel analysis technique has been developed during Run-2, so-called ``emittance'' scans. The analysis of the scans allows for powerful performance diagnostics of the luminometers in CMS throughout the year, and also per bunch crossing beam evolution studies. Nonlinear effects were important during Run 2 (2015 - 2018), where pileup during physics data taking reached up to 60, and will be especially important in Run-3 and HL-LHC, where pileup can reach up to 200. CMS experience from Run-2 luminosity measurements, systematic uncertainties, requirements on beam quality and our vision of the luminosity measurement in Run-3 and HL-LHC will be presented.
Prof. Ben Kilminster | |
25 November | Prof. Giovanni De Lellis |
Dr. Christopher Beatencourt | |
02 December 16:15 Y16 G15 |
Prof. Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh) |
Schrödinger Colloquium | Prof. Laura Baudis and Prof. Florencia Canelli | |
09 December | Prof. Steve Worm |
Particle Detectors: MAPs to Discovery The development of precision particle detectors has allowed physicists to investigate phenomena at unprecedented scales and with ever-increasing precision. Detectors have driven advancement in the sciences, for example in particle physics where searches for Dark Matter and the discovery of the Higgs particle depend critically on innovative instrumentation. Detection technologies based on silicon imaging are one of the latest revolutions, with capabilities that are developing quickly as a result of the connection to industry and commercial electronics. In the seminar I will explore this rapidly evolving silicon detector technology with an emphasis on Monolithic Active Pixels (MAPs), and discuss implications for the search for Dark Matter. The colloquium will provide a survey of some of the latest detector innovations, and will look at possible paths for innovation in the future such as the revolution in quantum sensing. |
Prof. Ben Kilminster | |
16 December | Prof. Mantovani (University of Ferrara) |
State of the art of Geoneutrino and future prospects Geoneutrinos, electron antineutrinos emitted along the decay chains of U and Th present in the Earth’s crust and mantle, are able to pass through most matter without interacting, therefore bringing to the surface instantaneous information about our planet’s composition. Experimental geoneutrino measurements give geoscientists the opportunity of building interdisciplinary bridges for addressing open questions about Earth’s heat production. KamLAND (Japan) and Borexino (Italy) experiments are collecting geoneutrino events from 2002 and 2007 respectively and new data releases have been published in autumn 2019. The seminar will be dedicated to review recent experimental results and their implications for Earth science. Considering the incoming geoneutrino measurements from SNO+ (Canada) and JUNO (China), the new challenges for combining the multi-site measurements and for integrating data in coherent picture of the Earth will be discussed.
Giovanni Volta |
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