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Probing supersymmetric lattice models with Rydberg atoms

Jiří Minář

Rydberg atoms and neutral atom arrays have emerged as one of the leading platforms for quantum simulation and computation, allowing for realization of a plethora of spin Hamiltonians and uncovering new phenomena such as quantum many-body scarring. In this talk I will first review the physics of the Rydberg atom arrays and the different regimes in which they are operated. I will then introduce supersymmetric lattice models and discuss how they can be realized using atoms with Rydberg dressed interactions, first focusing on a 1D setting [1]. The supersymmetry of the model guarantees the existence of two degenerate zero-energy ground states. This gives rise to elementary excitations which connect these ground states - the kinks - and their superpartners - the skinks. The (s)kink dynamics provides clear signatures of the underlying supersymmetry, which can be probed through simple experimental observables.

If the time permits, I will then discuss the consequences of supersymmetry beyond 1D, namely in a ladder geometry [2]. There, the supersymmetric models are known to feature an extensive degeneracy, so-called superfrustration, of the ground states, whos nature remains largely unexplored. By deforming the model from supersymmetry, we uncover the nature of these ground states in a rich phase diagram, where the supersymmetric point emerges as a multicritical point connecting between density-wave phases and incommensurate Luttinger liquid with smoothly varying particle densities.

[1] J. Minář, B. van Voorden and K. Schoutens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 050504 (2022)

[2] N. Chepiga, J. Minář and K. Schoutens, SciPost Physics 11, 059 (2021)