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Datenanalyse II

Course structure

This course is a follow-up of the data analysis course PHY231. The course is worth 2 ECTS and is focussed on some more practical aspects of data analysis. The course will be split into two parts. The first half will be a set of three lectures with accompanying exercise sheets. The second half will be a three-week data analysis project with a report and presentations due in May. The schedule is shown below:

Contact time: Tuesdays at 10:00

Zoom link for lectures: [here]  Password communicated by email (please ask if you are not yet subscribed). 

Zoom link for exercises: [here]

Date Notes
23rd Feb  Lecture1 - Monte Carlo techniques (PDF, 7 MB) 
2nd Mar  Exercise session - sheet1 (PDF, 195 KB) gauss_MC (TXT, 2 KB)
9th Mar 

Lecture - Numerical optimisation (PDF, 5 MB)


16th Mar Exercise session sheet2 (PDF, 120 KB) 
23rd Mar Lecture - Multivariate analysis (PDF, 2 MB)
30th Mar Exercise session sheet3 (PDF, 112 KB) signal.txt (TXT, 1 MB)background.txt (TXT, 1 MB) (PY, 3 KB) 
13th Apr

Introduction to projects (PDF, 1007 KB)

Project1_Discovery (PDF, 230 KB) BDTselection.txt (TXT, 153 bytes)

Project2_Compton (PDF, 158 KB) 

Project3_KaonDecay (PDF, 174 KB) dec_lengths.txt (TXT, 1 MB)

Project4_PionDecay (PDF, 213 KB)

Project5_MomentumResolution (PDF, 1 MB)

20th Apr Progress reports
4rd May Project reports due
11th May Project presentations



Patrick Owen: Y36 J 22 (044 63) 55817  
Vadym Denysenko: Y36 J 24 (044 63) 55779


The course will be graded 1-6 with 50% of the grade coming from the exercise sheets and 50% coming from the project (report+presentations). A requirement to pass the course will be 50% of the marks from the exercise sheets and 50% on the project.