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Electron dangling bonds above the top-layer on the Si(001)-surface

Oblique view of electron density in the two top surface layers. The atom and electron dynamics can be visualized by a short video (1.2 Mbytes) by clicking with the mouse into the following picture-frame

For a more extended movie (7.7 Mbytes) please click here
For more information see:

Coupled Motion of Electrons and Atoms on the Si(001) Surface
E.P. Stoll, A. Baratoff, A. Mangili, and D. Maric
CSCS/SCSC - Annual Report 1994, pg. 23,

Coupled Atom and Electron Motions on the Si(001) Surface from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics and their Visualization by a Video
E.P. Stoll, A. Baratoff, A. Mangili, and D. Maric,
CrosSCutS,4, #3, 18 (1995)
Coupled atom and electron motions on the Si(001) surface from first-Principles molecular dynamics and their visualization by a video
E.P. Stoll, A. Baratoff, A. Mangili, and D. Maric
Materials Science & Engeneering, B37 (1996) 155-157

The calculations were performed with the Car-Parrinello computer program and the advise of Wanda Andreoni at the IBM Research Lab Rueschlikon.

For more information about videos and pictures as results of density functional calculations in chemistry click here.